Each of us wants our family to be strong, happy and the best. And how to achieve it? Thanks to social surveys, it was found out what important rules should be followed to have a happy family.
1. Have dinner together. Happy family members gather at the table in the evening, have dinner and discuss the news, share their impressions, joke. They don’t turn on the TV, because in that case they won’t be able to communicate with each other. It is during the family dinner that the most serious issues are discussed. if one of the members has problems, they support him, and if he has achieved some success, they rejoice together.
2. Favorite activity. In happy families, everyone works or has a hobby that brings them joy. Married couples do something that provides income for the family. It is very important that one of the couples encourages the other’s business and is ready to advise him, express his own opinion and provide moral support in case of problems.
3. I want to be single. Each family member has a place where they can be alone. In happy families, the space of even the youngest is respected. There should be a room in the house where you can think, read a book, stay with yourself. Psychologists have found that especially men feel the need to isolate themselves. In psychological terms, this is called a “bear’s nest”, which men feel the need for. And it has its reasons.

Freedom. Happy families have something that other families lack. that is freedom. There are no strict rules, no breach of duty. The worse the relationship in the family, the stronger the “ice walls” preventing communication. “This can’t be done, this can be done”, “this must be done, but this can never be done” – these phrases that are constantly heard cannot make your family happy. There is an air of freedom in a family whose members are in a hurry to be home a minute earlier.
The presence of a wedding ring. After studying about 2,000 families, psychologists came to the conclusion that couples who wear wedding rings raise their children better than those who don’t. Children of couples who wear wedding rings are more developed, get sick less, and have fewer unpleasant experiences.
Couples who give up the wedding ring have less psychological responsibility towards their children, and the children feel it. It turns out that children understand the meaning of wedding rings and consider it a signal of their parents’ belonging to each other.