Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks. What happens in your body after you drink them

Carbonated drinks. What happens in your body after you drink them

One bottle of carbonated drink fills 100 percent of the necessary dose of sugar for 1 day – 10 teaspoons.

As a result, the composition of sugar in the blood rises, after which the liver begins to turn all the collected sugar into fats, the pupils of the eyes expand, blood pressure is observed. All this is done within an hour.

Almost all organs can feel the harmful effects after drinking several bottles of soda a day. 

What happens to which organ after consuming carbonated drinks


People who drink a bottle of soda a day have a significantly increased risk of developing chronic heart disease. The difference in the risk of heart attack between the most frequent and the least users of harmful drinks is 20%.


Experts also link the abuse of carbonated drinks to the complications that appear in the lungs, chronic obstructive disorder.


Every time you drink a fizzy drink, the sugar absorbed in the oral cavity contributes to the accumulation of bacteria and the creation of an acidic environment. As a result, the tooth enamel weakens and breaks down over time.