Naomi Campbell spoke for the first time about applying for the service of a surrogate mother

Naomi Campbell spoke for the first time about applying for the service of a surrogate mother

Supermodel Naomi Campbell spoke for the first time about applying for the service of a surrogate mother.

The 54-year-old supermodel confirmed that both her children were born with the help of a surrogate mother. “It is true,” he said in an interview with The Times.

However, since the birth of the children, Naomi has tried not to mention their names, not to publish their birthdays and photos.

“My children are everything to me. It makes me fear for their future,” added Campbell. “I hope for a better world for my children.

They are 110 percent my priority. I have to be there for them on their first day of school.” She also stated that she is happy to be a “single mother” and that she is tired of “young girls” who say that they do not want to have children or that it is “too expensive”. “I assure you, you will change your mind. You will want to be a mother.

I understand that it is difficult from an economic point of view, but my mother had nothing, but she managed to raise me. A child is worth everything.”