Prince Harry’s legal challenge against the denial of UK security protection has been unsuccessful

Prince Harry’s legal challenge against the denial of UK security protection has been unsuccessful

Justice Peter Lane of the High Court in London ruled on Wednesday that Prince Harry was not improperly stripped of his publicly funded security detail during visits to Britain after he relinquished his status as a working member of the royal family and moved to the U.S.

The Duke of Sussex had claimed that he and his family were at risk when visiting the U.K. due to hostility on social media and harassment by the news media.

His lawyer argued that the government group responsible for evaluating Harry’s security needs had acted irrationally and failed to follow its own policies.

A government lawyer defended the decision, stating that Harry had been treated fairly and was still provided protection on certain visits.

The committee that rejected his security request considered the potential public upset if an attack were to occur, taking into account the impact of Princess Diana’s death on the nation.

Prince Harry, who has taken legal action against both the government and tabloid publishers, has been willing to challenge traditional royal family practices in court. Last year, he achieved a significant victory in a case against the publisher of the Daily Mirror.