Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is considering playing the famous agent 007

Kim Kardashian is considering playing the famous agent 007

Kim Kardashian has ambitious plans for her career in Hollywood. In the new episode of the reality show “The Kardashians”, Kim mentions that she is thinking about playing the role of the famous agent 007 and informs about a new romantic comedy that was written for her.

The 43-year-old star of the reality show visited the studio in Los Angeles to present the script of the romantic comedy. The film, which he presented, is tentatively titled “Fifth Wheel”. Agent Brad Slater reminded Kim that the latter has done a lot in her career, but presenting a film written for her is a new adventure.

Kim said that he is keeping calm because he does not get excited about something that has not yet been confirmed. According to him, all the managers he met with were interested, but he hoped to get a better offer.

Later, during a meeting with close friends, Kim informed that she sold the romantic comedy to Netflix. According to him, according to the plot of the movie “The Fifth Wheel”, four women go on a trip. He compared it with the films “Zartkhum”, “Friends of the Bride” and “First Women’s Club”.

Kim reported that studio executives liked the idea, and 20 minutes later they called his agent with an offer, but he preferred Netflix, which, as a rule, offers more money.